Come join our team!!

If you think someone might be thinking about suicide, research shows that asking them about suicide does not increase their risk, and it does not put the idea in their head. In fact, it helps. There is help; therefore, there is hope!

Come out and support the BEARS! 🏈

The Anderson School District Two Board of Trustees approved Monday night to raise substitute pay! Rates: Non-certified substitutes $75/day and Certified substitutes $90/day. We hope you will join us for our upcoming substitute workshop on October 20! Contact Janet Williamson at jwilliamson@asd2.org if you are interested in becoming a substitute in Anderson 2!

Next year (2023-2024) ASD2 will be offering a 3K/4K Tuition-Based Preschool Program in both Honea Path (HPES) and Belton (MPS).
This is a one of a kind preparatory program open for our entire community. The purpose for this program is to offer a full-day quality preschool experience that will equip these students with essential and foundational academic skills. The cost of the program will be $400/Month for 10 months (August-May). This equates to $20 per day for a full-day preparatory program led by certified teachers. There will also be an after-care program that will extend to 5:00PM for an additional $100/Month. (Slots are limited.)
Please see the application link here https://forms.gle/Ec78d7bpsgqwGrZ39

Reminder-Tonight, Wednesday, Oct. 12, is Fields of Faith hosted by BHP FCA from 6:30-8:00. Update— If it is raining, we will meet in the BHP Cafeteria.

🐻🎾 Congratulations to the Lady Bears Tennis team! Back to Back to Back to Back AAA Region Champs. 🎾🐻 Go Bears!

🐻⛳️ Congratulations to the Lady Bears Golf team! Back to Back to Back AAA Region Champs. ⛳️🐻 Go Bears!

Enjoy these pictures from Farm Day at BHP! Such a great experience for all who attended. Thank you to our FFA department for hosting this annual event.

During the October 2022 School Board meeting, Jordan Frady - Belton-Honea Path High School recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Thank you, Jordan!

The South Carolina Honorary FFA Degree is awarded to individuals who have provided exceptional service on a state level to agriculture, agricultural education, or FFA are eligible for the Honorary American FFA Degree. Superintendent, Jason Johns, was awarded this degree during last evening's Anderson Two Board Meeting.

ASD2 Professional Development Day on October 14, 2022!

Come join our team!

Mark your calendars for Fields of Faith hosted by BHP FCA on Wednesday, October 12, 2022! This is a peer-to-peer event where students invite their own classmates and teammates to hear students share their testimonies, be challenged to read the Word of God and follow Jesus Christ. We will meet on the BHP football Field from 6:30-8:00 and hope you and your youth group can join us. We will be serving food starting at 6:30. Contact Matt Wurst with any questions.

ASD2 School Board Meeting! Please see the attached agenda or click on the following link for more information. Monday, October 10, 2022

Next year (2023-2024) ASD2 will be offering a 3K/4K Tuition-Based Preschool Program in both Honea Path (HPES) and Belton (MPS). This is a one of a kind preparatory program open for our entire community. The purpose for this program is to offer a full-day quality preschool experience that will equip these students with essential and foundational academic skills. The cost of the program will be $400/Month for 10 months (August-May). This equates to $20 per day for a full-day preparatory program led by certified teachers. There will also be an after-care program that will extend to 5:00PM for an additional $100/Month. (Slots are limited.)
Please see the application link here https://forms.gle/Ec78d7bpsgqwGrZ39

During the September 2022 School Board meeting, Ethan Wyse of Belton Elementary recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Thank you Ethan!

8th grade students from BMS and HPMS visited the Anderson, Oconee, Pickens Business and Industry Showcase at the Civic Center in Anderson. Students enjoyed engaging with local businesses and schools to get a better understanding of the opportunities awaiting them.

Congratulations to Mikhi Dacus! He was selected for the College Board National Recognition Program and received the National African American Recognition Award.
Mikhi earned this recognition because of his academic achievements in school and outstanding performance. We couldn't be more delighted to share this great news.

Come join our team!